HR Force | Virtual Time Recording Terminal


Virtual Time Recording Terminal

Keep your data entry of time events as flexible as possible in order to enable your employees to maintain their data from their workplace. This solution does not require changes to your existing infrastructure, no additional costs regarding hardware for terminals, no additional network or power supply will be required. Every employee having access to your company’s intranet may enter time events by using the web browser. Especially decentralised companies or employees who do not work on a fully equipped location will benefit from this solution until your intranet may be accessed.

Solution Description

By using the virtual Time Recording Terminal by HR Force you will be able to create time postings directly out of your web browser.

It is not required to use any Employee Self Service, this service may be accessed directly via a provided link through your browser.

The full integration into SAP Time Management allows all your desired validations during the data entry and the posting using SAPs standard functionalities.

Implemented Functionalities

    possible with or without absence reason possible
    shown on your data entry surface
    may be shown as created by your SAP Time Management
    Check your created time events by free selections
    editable to your needs
    possible during the data entry (for instance „Arrival“ after „Arrival“ should not be allowed)

Client Advantages

  • No additional costs for Hardware
  • Virtual time recording terminal available on any Computer workplace
  • Global customisation of your user interface
  • Fully integrated into your existing Employee Self Service or usage via direct link through your browser
  • Terminal settings directly via SAP (no middleware required)
  • Faster reaction and error correction due to the display of messages out of your SAP time management
  • Posting of time events using SAP standard functionality